At SiriusXM and Pandora, we’ve always believed that the energy and passion that creators put into making music should be matched by our efforts to deliver their music to our listeners, whether they be long-time fans or recent converts. Beginning with our unique programs, stations, and playlists aimed at driving listener discovery, our mission has…
Fans’ Embrace of Streaming Sustained Music During a Tumultuous Year. Why, and What Does it Mean for 2021
"The full-fledged consumer embrace of streaming helped avert a total collapse of the music business," writes DiMA President & CEO Garrett Levine in Music Business Worldwide
The music business in 2020 experienced an unprecedented cacophony of events. Live music businesses tragically shuttered. A virtual performance market emerging. Yet despite it all, music lived on through streaming as it continued to be embraced by nearly every American with an Internet connection, even in the face of a global health crisis and massive…
New music legislation set to boost artist royalties, and may give independents a more fair shake
After years of being overlooked by the music industry’s rapid adoption of streaming and bigger royalties, independent artists may finally see a bigger slice of the pie, thanks to a new laws that govern digital music and royalty payments.
Brewery ensures local songwriters get royalties for their original music
“What I say is we’re the originator of live music here in South Lyon,” Robinson said. “We pay the licenses. We are trying to set a standard here. No bad blood or ill will to anybody else, but you know what? We’re paying. I’m trying to do the right thing. We pay more in music…
The Trump Administration Shouldn’t Help Big Music Rob Songwriters
Whenever the issue of songwriting royalties arises, the most common reaction is “Wait a second – the federal government sets music royalty rates?”
Lawmakers Introduce Music Modernization Act, Which Simplifies Digital Licensing and Increases Rates
The bill reforms Section 115 of the U.S. Copyright Act to create a single licensing entity that administers the mechanical reproduction rights for all digital uses of musical compositions, such those used in interactive streaming models offered by Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, Google and others, according to a release from the National Music Publisher Association.
Rep. Darrell Issa: It’s Time to Bring Pre-1972 Copyrights Out of the Dark Ages (Guest Column)
Under the current system, there is no way for a recording artist to be guaranteed payment in all 50 states. Instead, they are captive to a patchwork of inconsistent and ultimately unworkable state laws – denying them millions in royalties for their older songs.
How Congress can right a wrong for music released before 1972
Nearly all spins of pre-1972 recordings receive royalties from Pandora. But the just-introduced CLASSICS Act would provide equality for all recordings at all music services.
Pandora now supports paying artists for older songs
Long viewed as somewhat of an antagonist to record labels, digital music service Pandora has found common ground with them on policy issues in recent months.
Pandora now supports paying artists for older songs
Pandora announced last year that it supports paying artists of pre-1972 songs their digital royalties and has made closing the loophole one of its 2017 policy priorities.